Network for Building Restorative Communities
If you are interested in building connections and relationships so that our community can work better, this is the place for you. You will find a collection of different people coming together here, workers and volunteers, people living in Dublin’s north inner city and people who are passing through.
What we all have in common is that we are interested in looking to new restorative ways of working and living with each other. We are trying to learn about restorative practice and how it can bring new ideas into our work, our schools, our communities and our families.
This platform give us the space where these ideas and responses can be shared and tested. When we find new resources, we can tell people about them. When we find something that works, we can let our friends know.
New discussions can be started and new groups formed, all to better support the building of stronger communities.

What is the Building Restorative Communities Network?
The aim of the network is to bring people together who are interested in learning more about restorative practice and how it can be used in their work, community and family life.
Restorative practices are used around the world to give a focus to challenges facing communities and to give people a unified voice to address problems, such as lack of services, community events and safer community initiatives.
Why join the Building Restorative Communities Network?
People who have participated in restorative practice training and are using it as a way of working report that their work is easier, more enjoyable and more effective. Parents report better relationships with their children, residents report better relationships with their neighbours, and young people report increased confidence and better relationships with their teachers, their families, their friends and their peers.
As well as being a space for enabling community discussion, as a learning platform, people can build their own library of resources and materials. People can also come along for a rant, as long as they are willing to stay and share ideas about how to restoratively reshape our community.

News from Community
Keep an eye out from news and updates from others active within this platform. You might find interesting insights or ideas that can help your your work, your coaching or indeed for your everyday life.
When we start to look at things in a restorative and relational manner, there are constantly new thoughts emerging about how we can do things differently. So join the network and add your ideas.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No.